What Every Woman Should Strive To Be

Written by Shivani K • 

I’m not someone who would feel jealous of another woman’s dress, hair, shoes, or even her man. However, the one thing that has always intrigued me is how those independent women out there strive to live life on their own terms. Maybe it was because I always felt that I was a “relationship girl” or maybe it was because I’d never dared to come out of my shell. But I have always wanted to be that self-sufficient woman who could take on whatever life throws at her with ease and grace. Someone who could roll with the punches.

As far as I am concerned, confidence and self-dependence are the best qualities a woman could ever possess and showcase.

Now, becoming independent and self-reliant is a long process, it isn’t a makeover that happens overnight. Most of the independent, self-reliant women have faced their fears, been through rejections, doubts, and a million hardships to reach where they are today. I’m sure that there have been times when life knocked them down and it made them realize that if there is anything in the world that they can trust with closed eyes, it is their own self.

If you are reading this wordy article and wondering why I am telling you all this, it’s because I’ve always been on the other side of the spectrum. I’ve been that girl who allowed others to have control over her actions and her feelings. I did that because I was scared to brave the world on my own. Giving control of my life to another meant being in a safe territory with fewer risks. But slowly this whole belief, that I swore by, started to make me weaker as a woman.

Have you played the comparison game? I’ve played it all my life. The one that always puts me in the “Am I good enough?” state of mind and I get to a regrettable stage wherein I pray that I’m never in that situation again. It took me more than a dozen reality checks to understand that nothing in life can happen or will happen just because you want it so; you have to try to make it happen. I’m going to admit that I have so much to learn in this regard and with the year coming to an end I’ve made up my mind to start the new year as an independent woman. And I’m going to start my work towards that right away.

Image: Shutterstock

Qualities of a woman, as it is, are overwhelming in number. Have you wondered about the qualities of an independent woman? I thought about it, I observed the independent women around me such as my mother and came to an understanding wherein I found a register of qualities common in all independent women. And these are:

  • If They Are In Need Of Something, They Get It Themselves

Anything they want in life, they go after it on their own. They like the idea of being the foundation of their happy times as well as the gloomy times.

  • They Are Open-Minded, Teachable, And Understanding

They know that the funda “you know nothing about life” is the key to handle life in all its multi-colored glory. They learn from their experiences as well as from those of others. Most importantly, they do not pass judgments.

  • They Look Up To Other Women But Never Idolize Them

They get inspired by the women around them, but they never don the fan-girl hat.

  • Their Self-Worth Is Independent Too

Self-worth is something they’ve learned the hard way. And after learning their lessons they have made up their mind that they alone can decide their worth; others shouldn’t judge if you are worth it or not.

Image: Shutterstock
  • They Take Risks And Accept The Failures

They are the kind of women who don’t play the “poor me” card in times of distress. They walk and talk risks even if it leads to a failure later. They don’t dwell on situations, they brave it.

  • They Say No When They Have To

If they think someone is forcing things on them, they will say no to them boldly. They do things only when they really want to. They never do it to keep others happy. Their conscience is their priority.

  • They Support Other Women

Women, in general, are looked down upon in society, especially if they come from a not-well-to-do background. An amazing quality of independent women is that they teach women like these to be independent; they encourage and applaud them. That’s because there was a day when even they were in their helpless shoes.

Image: Shutterstock

I’m learning to be independent now. I even wear a bracelet with “why not?” engraved on it. This is to remind me to keep asking myself “why” every time I doubt my capability and potential again. Because at times you need to have a reminder to show what you are capable of in real life. And according to me being bold and independent is something all women should strive for — irrespective of whether they’re dating, married, or single. Strive to be independent because it’s rewarding and empowering. It even makes you a better BFF, partner, and who knows doing so might make you a role model for the women around you.

What according to you is the one thing that women should strive for? Let us know in the comments below.

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