‘I Haven’t Worn A Regular Bra In Over Two Years’

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When it comes to intimate wear, there’s one thing that bothers women a lot and that’s picking the right bra for them. If finding the right size and fit weren’t problematic enough to make the women go bonkers, there are issues about the style and utility as well – a regular bra or a sports bra, which one should you choose? But, whatever might be the issue, there’s just one thing that women need to focus on overall, and that’s to realize that it’s high time they stop denying that they have bra problems and start picking the right one.

We believe it’s a matter of a woman’s personal comfort and choice to choose the style of the bra she prefers, whether it’s a regular or a sports one. We decided to talk to a couple of women and ask them what they prefer. Here’s the story of a woman who swears by wearing sports bra everyday and also tells us that she hasn’t worn a regular bra for almost two years. Shocked, right? Let’s read her story.

Disclaimer: The person’s name has been changed for identity purposes.

Kristen’s Story

Image: Shutterstock

Yes, it’s been two years almost since I switched to sports bras exclusively for my everyday use. And let me tell you, me and my bust, we both have never been this happy.

In fact, you know there is this shopping bag, in a corner of my wardrobe which is filled with beautiful regular bras – there’s nude, black, neon, hot pink, and even the lacy ones. They have been there for two years and I think they need to be donated now (laughs). The only thing I regret is having wasted so much money on them.

What Made Her Switch To Sports Bra?

Sports Bra
Image: Shutterstock

I’m a baker. And even before I opted for wearing sports bra every day I used to wear them to my work — the bakery. I found them to be very practical for me. They were breathable. And after nearly ten hours of baking in the kitchen (working with a hot oven) I’d be hot and all sticky, with flour, oil sticking to my body.

In general, I’m someone who sweats a lot, even in pleasant weather (Yep! Sweaty pig I am). So imagine how it would be for me in a place like a bakery where I have to constantly be kneading the dough or doing a cake mix, all at the same time, while checking the ovens every now and then to see if the baked products are up to the mark or not. Wearing a sports bra kept the sweat in the bust area in check and didn’t make it look like some damp sponges have been attached to my chest, which is what the regular bras did. So yeah, my work, my everyday routine, made me switch to a sports bra. I thought it was my most affordable option.

It Helped Her In Reducing Long-Term Sagging Of Breasts

Long-Term Sagging Of Breasts
Image: Shutterstock

Okay, my bust line is kind of lower than the normal ones. No, it isn’t saggy! (Yet.) It’s just, you know, low. And regular bras never gave my breasts the right kind of support. Often times, I’d look shapeless like an amoeba wearing a top. My breasts looked saggier than they were in reality. Getting a well-fitted, tailored look, was only a distant dream for me.

I realized I need a bra that can provide my bust the adequate support. Sports bras are designed to cope with this issue of sagging. They are like a go-to remedy which even helps prevent premature sagging. And ever since then I’ve been wearing one.

Her Breast Pain Reduced

Breast Pain Reduced
Image: Shutterstock

Every woman should and must know that their breasts are made up of muscle ligaments which move up, down, and sideways whenever there is even slightest of movement in their body. And if you’re someone who does a lot of roaming around every day or has a busy schedule, then chances are that you’re very familiar with the experience of pain in your breast. To avoid this pain, sports bras are your best option. I had this pain too, even though my breasts are normal-sized. And sports bras provided me relief from it.

A Sports Bra Helps Keep Nasty Stares At Bay

Nasty Stares At Bay
Image: Shutterstock

The worst thing that an unfit bra could do is this – it will make people (mostly guys) talk to your breasts rather than you. I’ve faced it even with a pizza delivery boy where he’s seeing my breasts and saying, “Here’s your pizza ma’am.” Your blood boils at times like these, right? You just wish you could beat him up for daring to do that. If you’ve been nodding your head reading this, then I’m telling you, dear women, please buy yourself a sports bra to avoid this menace.

So, there you go, a sports bra can actually keep bad, nasty stares at bay. A sports bra of good quality will keep your breast in their place. It prevents them from bulging out or bouncing as you perform your daily chores or even exercise.

Have you been wearing a sports bra as your everyday bra just like Kristen? Let us know in the comments below.