What Happens If You Drink Coffee After A Meal?

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

The world has two kinds of people in it, one who can live without coffee, and another who lives for coffee. If you can relate to the latter one, this article has some vital information you would want to know. While coffee is a go-to drink for most of us, it does come with its set of baggage. The kind of coffee you drink, the amount of caffeine in it, and the time of the day also count when it comes to coffee. While some of us enjoy a cup of coffee after breakfast, this habit might not be as harmless as it seems. Read on to know all the harmful effects of drinking coffee after meals and how you can reduce it.

1. It May Increase Bad Cholesterol

It May Increase Bad Cholesterol
Image: Shutterstock

While a slice of toast slathered in butter may not be the healthiest breakfast option, it pairs wonderfully with a hot cup of coffee. Eating them so close together might cause your cholesterol levels to soar (1). Coffee is one of the most cholesterol-raising chemicals in our diet since oils in coffee have been demonstrated to impair the body’s capacity to manage cholesterol (2).

2. It May Make Your Skin Dry

It May Make Your Skin Dry
Image: Shutterstock

Enjoying a hot cup of coffee first thing in the morning has numerous positive effects on one’s health (3). However, ingesting it just after a meal can drastically reduce the amount of iron your body absorbs from the food you just ate (4). The lack of iron in your body will show up everywhere, but mainly in your skin. In certain cases, your skin may become drier than usual, highlighting the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Make sure you hydrate your skin and have plenty of collagen-rich food to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

3. It May Stain Your Teeth

It May Stain Your Teeth
Image: Shutterstock

In addition to reducing calcium absorption, drinking coffee soon after eating might reduce the body’s capacity to absorb other vital minerals (5). Calcium is lost in the body through the normal shedding of hair and skin, as well as through perspiration and urination. If you don’t get enough calcium in your diet to make up for what you lose from coffee use, your body will begin to deplete your supply by pulling it from your teeth and bones. In turn, this can lead to tooth sensitivity and irritation of the gums. Make sure you check for signs of teeth stains and reduce your coffee intake if your teeth are getting stained. A visit to the dentist will help you clean the stain marks.

4. Increases Hair Problems

Increases Hair Problems
Image: Shutterstock

Your healthy eating habits may be derailed by your coffee-drinking routine, even if your meal is well-rounded and complete. Because drinking coffee soon after eating reduces the absorption of so many essential trace elements, it has several negative effects on the body and hair. If your iron stores are low, your blood will have a harder time transporting the oxygen needed to repair the hair-growing cells in your body. This can harm your scalp’s health and eventually cause hair loss. Make sure you supplement your body well with iron-rich food to keep up with your health while reducing your caffeine intake.

Even though coffee should be taken early on during the day, here are some benefits of drinking it after an early bird dinner.

5. It Might Aid In Digestion

It Might Aid In Digestion
Image: Shutterstock

There is some evidence that drinking coffee might help strengthen colon muscles (6). While it won’t fix serious digestive problems like constipation, it will help keep things going smoothly. There is even speculation that the caffeine in coffee promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

6. Helps Reduce Your Calorie Intake

Helps Reduce Your Calorie Intake
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re trying to avoid overeating over a meal, drinking coffee might be a good distraction. Alternatively, it might help you control your eating habits and avoid binging even more. Coffee is a great alternative to eating more. If you’re attempting to stay away from something decadent such as a triple chocolate mousse cake, this may help.

7. Therapeutic Qualities

Therapeutic Qualities
Image: Shutterstock

The health benefits of coffee are numerous. Coffee’s polyphenols have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects (7). You might benefit from feeling more relaxed after a cup of coffee.

While most of us are addicted to coffee, not all of us consider the harmful effects of coffee while drinking cup after cup. Even if you drink coffee before your meals, it still has caffeine and too much of anything is not good for you. Make sure you keep your caffeine intake down to 2 cups per day and fill yourself up with hydrating drinks. So what is your go-to drink after your meals? Let us know in the comments section!

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