Science Explains What Happens To Your Body When You Eat Oatmeal Every Day

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In a bid to just get done with breakfast without making much of an effort, we succumb to eating frosty, sugary cereals. While they are great in taste, they do little to aid your health with benefits. So, what do we eat then? We vote for oats! No matter how much we love to eat those blubbery cereals, we need to start focusing on our health too. And that starts with healthy eating. One such power food that we swear by is oatmeal. It is rich in minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber, and lipids. If you loathe the porridge version of oatmeal, go for cookies or oat bread. But, please shift to this amazing whole grain to reap maximum benefits!

Including oatmeal in your diet does more good than you know. Here’s a list of the good things that oatmeal can do to your body:

1. Weight Management

1. Weight Management
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This quick and healthy breakfast can do more than just fill our tummy up. When we are on a mission to lose weight, we all make a rookie mistake of neglecting the dietary intake. The world has plenty of healthy foods that are brimming with brilliant weight loss properties. And oatmeal is your best bet! Spicy, sweet, bland, however you like it, make a bowl full of oatmeal for yourself and you will thank us later when you see the results. Oats play a vital role in combatting obesity. They contain fiber that absorbs water in the stomach and keeps you feeling full until your next meal (1).

2. Keeps The Blood Sugar Level In Control

2. Keeps The Blood Sugar Level In Control
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Irrespective of the type of diabetes you are diagnosed with, your battle is to maintain the blood sugar level. Oats are your watchmen — not just for those who are diabetic, but for everyone. When you eat oats, its high fiber content makes it release the sugar gradually into the bloodstream. One of the easiest ways to deal with the blood glucose level is by lowering the glycemic index, and oatmeal does exactly that (2). Additionally, you can also snack on a couple oatmeal bars or cookies when you’re hungry and want to stay away from sugars.

3. Improves Digestion

3. Improves Digestion
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A good bowl of oatmeal provides you with an array of benefits. From increasing your nutrient absorption to regulating your bowel movement, oats act like magic in your digestion (3). But, like they say too much is too bad, so limit your oatmeal consumption. Too much fiber can adversely cause constipation. Nevertheless, when you eat oats, you feel full for a long period of time, which is why you rarely end up getting your hands dirty with junk food.

4. Prevents Colorectal Cancer

4. Prevents Colorectal Cancer
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Researchers have found that the more the consumption of dietary and cereal fibers, the lower is the risk of colorectal cancer (4). The research also stated that people who ate the most fiber were at a 22 percent lower risk of death than people who had a reduced intake of fiber. Oatmeal is such a blessing in the world of dietary fiber that some have even monikered it as the great anti-cancer breakfast option (5)!

5. Curbs Blood Pressure

5. Curbs Blood Pressure
Image: Shutterstock

A diet that includes oatmeal or whole grains is as effective as taking anti-hypertensive pills (6). Oatmeal contains beta-glucan, a kind of soluble fiber. So, when the oatmeal breaks down in the digestive tract, it forms a gel-like substance that absorbs water and LDL (the bad cholesterol), carrying it out of the body. LDL usually forms deposits on the arteries and is capable of making the blood vessels narrow, which increases the pressure on the heart to pump more blood (7). Oatmeal, however, prevents this from happening since it pushes the bad cholesterol out. So, oatmeal reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Increased Absorption Of Antioxidants

6. Increased Absorption Of Antioxidants 
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In addition to being an excellent source of dietary fiber, oats consist of a variety of molecules that acts as antioxidants. Oatmeal has a high content of antioxidants and micronutrients like copper, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, avenanthramides, and polyphenols. A bowl of oats provides only 2 grams of fat and it keeps you healthy by increasing nitric oxide production. Additionally, oats are also known to have anti-itching and anti-inflammatory properties when applied to the skin (which explains its use as a face pack!) (8).

7. Bonus? Oatmeal Is Affordable!

7. Bonus Oatmeal Is Affordable!
Image: Shutterstock

Unlike most healthy foods that are packed with benefits, we needn’t spend too much money on oats. It doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Just a few bucks and you have a big pack of oats. Rolled or steel cut – whatever you like – oats are good for you, period (9). And what’s a better deal than a satisfied tummy and a happy pocket, right?

We are loving the benefits of oats. Do you include this amazing whole grain in your daily breakfast? Tell us your favorite oatmeal recipes in the comments below!

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Anjala Farahath