What It’s Like To Meet Your SO’s Parents As Told By GIFs

Written by Anjala Farahath • 

Who is your SO? At some magical point in life, you will meet that one person who will sweep you off your feet, who will share your moonlit melancholy and blissful bright days. This person will be the one that you can talk to for hours together and still not run out of topics, this person will be the one who will read you like an open book, and listen to you without a zilch of indifference. They might not paint a fairytale-like picture for you, but they will make sure that whatever the picture is, it is nothing less than perfect. This person is your Significant Other, or what we call in our uber cool lingo, the SO. They are the object of our affection and they are the ones we want to spend our lives with.


Now, since we all live in a society that’s governed by family ties, it’s beyond the bounds of possibility to proceed to live with SO without meeting their folks. But, meeting your SO’s parents is like that dreadful board meeting where everybody has got their eyes on you and your presentation. The only difference being that in the board meeting, you’ll just get a couple of comments and eye-rolls, but with your SO’s folks, it’s a meeting that can seal the deal. From awkward questions, cold vibes, to a bundle of emotions, here’s what it’s like to meet your SO’s parents. What’s a better way than GIFs to explain the same:

1. When Your SO Tells You About The Plan


It’s not every day that your object of affection makes a plan, and now, the plan is to meet their parents? Wow, you’re definitely not ready and you are feeling all things nauseous and nervous. The butterflies in your stomach now feel like a headless chicken running around seeking for help. It’s a big deal to meet your future in-laws and the thought itself can get you cold feet.

2. The Million Dollar Question, “What To Wear”


Whether it’s a dinner date with the SO’s folks or a casual meeting with them, you need to look your best. But, you can’t look over the top, neither can you look like a hobo. You just need to balance it out and still be able to strike the right chord with them. Do you dress sanksaari or do you dress like ‘modern woman’, oh the dilemma is endless. Somebody, save me!

3. Do I Shake Hands, Do I Hug Them, What’s The Protocol?


What’s the code of behavior when you meet them first? How do you greet them? How do you address them? Why didn’t anybody create a list of codes. This is harder than the Da Vinci code. Your SO might just try to make you feel comfortable but all the eyes are on you so you have to keep calm.

4. Awkward Table Conversations


Now that you have already greeted them and now that the ice is broken, you have to ensure that you glide through the rest of the day. But, how does one tackle those awkward conversations about, “What’s your future plan, beta?”, or those endless chitter-chatters about how marriages are made in heaven and how they have always wanted an ‘ideal’ daughter-in-law or son-in-law for their child, etc? Well, you don’t tackle them, you just wear your armor and you put on a smile and speak your heart out. Because, they will love you for how you are, right?

5. When You Are Trying Really Hard To Blend In


You know that your partner is really important to you and that means that everything connected to him is of utmost priority to you. You have to make sure that they like you and to do that you try to be one of their own. You become the joker of the circus and you make them laugh, you try to impress them with your wit, and you try to hop on to the same boat that they are sailing on.

6. When You Err A Little


Amidst all the things you’re trying to impress them, you somehow say one wrong thing. Or you just end up using a cuss word. Oops! Now, that’s not a good sign, but it’s okay we are all human and we end up making mistakes.

7. When You Finally Get A Green Signal


Ah, that’s a relief! They finally accept the person that you are and they probably also click selfies with you. Well, well, well, look who’s happy now! That was a herculean task, wasn’t it?
Meeting your SO’s folks is definitely a milestone in your relationship. Although it’s quite daunting, it’s something special. It’s fun, scary, and at the same time a very intimate meeting. Have you taken this leap yet? How, did you feel? Let us know in the comments below.


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