9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

The concept of an “independent” woman can be interpreted in many ways. Some may argue that it is being financially independent or being single. However, being independent is not limited to unmarried women only. In relationships it can include other aspects like their free personalities and making well-informed choices. She won’t be afraid to call you out and also stand up for you in need. In a conservative society, they are seasoned to face criticism, which can affect their level of confidence in the long term.

So you’ve fallen deeply in love with a strong, independent, and knowledgeable woman. Now what? Well, if you believe that she is the one for you and that you want to put a ring on her finger asap, we have some advice that you should keep in mind. First, you need to understand that you might not end up being the breadwinner at home if you’re marrying an independent woman. There is nothing wrong with a woman earning more than her husband, and anybody who says otherwise is highly insecure about their own financial status. So here is a list of nine essential things that you should know before you decide to tie the knot with an independent woman:

1. She Won’t Quit Her Job To Appease You

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

An independent woman places a lot of value on her job. She won’t just decide to let go of her career because you might not be happy with the way she works. When you have an independent wife, she will expect you to share the load of household chores and responsibilities. Since she is also contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of the house, it’s only fair that her housework is also divided equally. It does not mean you will have to do all the work. It’s really about equal contribution.

2. She Needs A Partner Who Isn’t Threatened By Her Success

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

If you feel threatened that your partner is performing well at work, there is clearly something wrong with you. The happiness she receives through advancing her career should rub off on you and make you feel equally happy, right? If your ego is so fragile that you cannot handle your partner being more successful than you, you need to gain some insight and grow up. Usually, many people nudge and tease men into believing that they are not good enough if their partner is performing well. It’s a matter of mindset. She would support you in all your success and the feeling should be mutual for the perfect healthy relationship.

3. Being Strong Does Not Mean She Lacks Emotions

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

Just because a woman is strong and independent, does not mean that she can’t have some bad days or that she isn’t’ emotional. Sometimes your partner might just need a hug or a back massage after a lengthy and frustrating day at work. Or maybe she just wants you to listen to her. She will have her down days and that’s when you step up to make her feel better. Even if you just listen to her woes it’s enough to ease some burden off her shoulders.

4. She Won’t Depend On Your Finances

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

An independent woman wants you; she doesn’t stay with you out of necessity. Since she too is earning money, your quality of life and standard of living will also increase, thus leading to a wealthier and prosperous household overall. A strong woman knows exactly who she is and what she brings to the table. There is no tooth and nail rule. Just a healthy balance that maintains the homely expenses smoothly.

5. She Won’t Mince Her Words

She Won't Mince Her Words
Image: IStock

Please don’t confuse her frank nature with her being rude. She is just used to speaking her mind and not shying away from discussing sensitive topics. Strong women will stand their ground and will refuse to be bullied into submission. She won’t be afraid to express different views to yours and won’t be a “yes woman.”

6. There’s A Limit To The Compromises She Will Make

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

Of course, every relationship/marriage requires some amount of adjustment and compromise, but don’t expect your partner to compromise each time. Whether she is a working woman or a housewife, it is unfair to expect her to make all the compromises in the relationship. While your partner may be willing to cross seven seas to stay by your side, don’t keep unrealistic expectations. After all, you are both in this together.

7. Her Self Respect Is Non-Negotiable

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman
Image: Shutterstock

An independent woman will not put up with you disrespecting her or treating her like she is not at the same level as you. She may love you and be willing to do anything to make you happy, but not at the cost of her own self-respect. If your family treats her terribly or she sees that you do not stand up for her during tense times, she won’t be afraid to voice her opinion and express her views.

8. She Wants You To Chase After Your Own Dreams

9 Important Things You Must Know Before You Marry An Independent Woman

An independent woman does not only want to do well in her career, but she also wants you to do well in yours. While she will support you if you’re in a situation where you need a time out, or you want to switch careers, don’t demand too much of her. In the end, she wants to see you pursue what you love and prosper just as much as she does. If being ambitious becomes a shared goal, there is no stopping you both from achieving your dreams and living your life as a power couple.

9. She Is Not Afraid To Walk Away If You Treat Her Badly

She Is Not Afraid To Walk Away If You Treat Her Badly
Image: IStock

An independent woman will not put up with any mistreatment directed her way. They know that they would rather be alone and single than be with a partner who treats them horribly. Since she is earning her own money, she knows that she does not have to depend on you or her parents or anybody else in her life to survive. There is absolutely no room for toxicity or emotional blackmailing in her life. It is all transparent and honest when it comes to a woman who takes no hypocrisy.

Being with an independent woman is wonderful. You know that she will always look out for you and ensure that the house’s finances are in order. Sharing the load for both partners makes for a smooth-sailing relationship for sure. Of course, we aren’t trying to say that homemakers cannot be independent, but women who can manage to run a household and work full-time jobs do deserve respect. What makes you feel independent? Let us know all of your thoughts in the comment section down below!

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