7 Ways Your Pee Is Trying To Tell You Something

Written by , BE Jyotsana Rao BE linkedin_icon Experience: 4 years

How often do you pee in a day? Maybe six or seven times? Or maybe more than that, depending on the amount of water you drink. Urinalysis or the study of urine has been around for years, and it can reveal a lot about your overall health. This is why the urine test is done before starting any treatement.

Here are some indications that you need to see your doctor.

1. Your Pee Has A Foul Smell.

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Urine obviously doesn’t smell wonderful. If you feel that it is emitting a really bad smell, like a rotten fish, it might be an indication of infection in the urinary bladder. Though the smell of urine varies from person to person, it is always better to watch out for the stink.

2. Your Pee Has A Sweet Scent.

An indication that you might be suffering from diabetes. If you notice a sweet scent, visit your doctor immediately and get your blood sugar level checked before the condition goes out of control.

3. You Experience A Burning Sensation While Urinating.

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If you feel a burning sensation while urinating once in a while, it might be because of lack of intake of water or due to holding in your pee for a longer time. But if this happens to you every time you pee, do not overlook it. This might be an indication of UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), which is caused due to bacterial infection in the urinary tract.

4. Your Urine Is Reddish Or Pinkish.

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If you eat red or purple fruits or vegetables such as blackberries or beetroot, red or pink colored urine is quite common. But if it is not the case, it might be a sign of the presence of blood in your pee. Consult your doctor if you notice this. Here is a urine color chart for your reference:

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5. You Notice Blood In Your Pee.

The medical terminology for the presence of blood in the urine is hematuria, and this condition is accompanied by pain as well. This might be caused due to several factors such as infection in the urinary bladder, kidney stones, and even cancer. Thus, a checkup is recommended.

6. Your Urine Appears Cloudy.

By cloudy urine, we mean that your urine appears milky and foamy. This is a warning sign that there is an infection in your system, and it needs to be treated immediately. The foam is usually formed due to the excretion of bacteria and leukocytes.

7. You Urinate Frequently.

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If you drink a lot of water, you will urinate frequently. But, if you do not drink much water and still urinate quite often, it is not a thing to be ignored. The common reasons you are urinating more than usual are an infection in the urethra, excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes, and pregnancy. You need to consult a doctor immediately.

Your urine reveals how healthy you are. The next time you pee, if you notice any of the above signs, visit your doctor immediately.

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