7 Reasons Why A Father-Daughter Relationship Is The Most Special Bond There Is

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Your father is the first man you meet when you enter this world. And he sets the precedent for the rest of the men who enter your life. After all, which girl doesn’t want to be treated as special as her dad treated her as a child? Your father is the one you share some of your most special childhood moments with. He taught you how to ride your bicycle, how to fix a light bulb, how to cook a quick meal and so many other life skills. Although you may love your mother very very much, you probably share a more jovial and friendly bond with your father. So here are a few reasons why the bond between a father and his daughter is so special:

1. First Love Of Our Lives


Since our father is the first man we meet, the relationship we share with him is extremely special and is the de facto relationship goal we set in the men we meet later on. We observe the way our fathers treat our mothers and even the smallest thing he does will set the course for the rest of our lives. Many of us dream of meeting a man who would treat us half, as well as our fathers, do.

2. We Adore Their Protective Nature


Nothing makes us feel more special than a partner standing up for us, even if we can handle a situation ourselves. This is an instinct we have since we were little girls. After all, it was our fathers who protected us against bullies and taught us how to stand up to them. There is no place a girl feels safer in than her father’s arms. His protective presence will forever remain in her life, long after he is gone.

3. They Take Good Care Of Us


Be it their wives, daughters, sons or other relatives, fathers are very good at taking care of things. They put in every effort to raise their daughters and safeguard them from any harm. When you feel like you’ve hurt yourself, your father is the one person who can fix you right up and leave you feeling better. Whether it is consoling you with his words, or helping you bandage a wound on your knee, your father is an expert fixer-upper.

4. Our Dads Teach Us To Be Strong And Humble


No matter how strict our dads might have been while we were growing up, we all knew they had a weak spot when it came to giving in to their daughter’s demands. Your father has taught you how to be strong during your weakest of times and how to have humility in your strongest of times. When it comes to emotions, we know that it is our fathers who have a deeper understanding of them and can help us gain insight into our own feelings. After all, like father, like daughter.

5. They Set An Example For Our Future Friendships And Relationships


Fathers have a major influence on their daughters’ interpersonal relationships with those around them. The way our fathers behave with us is exactly the way we expect our partners to behave with us. We set our standards high and expect nothing but the best from our partners. It doesn’t matter if you have over a hundred close friends, your father will always be your best friend.

6. They’re Our First Role Models


Every girl knows the feeling of saying, “When I grow up, I want to be just like Papa!” We often idolize our fathers for everything that they do for us. Whether they’re stay-at-home dads who spend all their time taking care of us or busy worker bees who try their best to make time for us, they always set our goals high.

7. They Rescue Us From The Wrath Of Our Moms


Most Indian moms follow an extremely strict and disciplinarian route to keep their kids in line, however, the same can’t be said for dads. Fathers are more lax when it comes to things like this and are a little more laid back in comparison. When your mother is enraged at you, you know the one way to escape is to cower behind your dad. No matter how gruesome a mistake you make, your father will never stop loving and supporting you, even in the harshest of times.

At the end of the day, we will always remain as Daddy’s little girls and try our best to match up to the bar they have set for us. We know that no matter what we do in life, we can always look back and thank our fathers for raising us and supporting us through the struggles of life. How are you going to spend this Father’s day? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

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