Why Does Your Dog Follow You To The Bathroom

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons Experience: 2.5 years

As a doggo parent, if you had to make a list of your dog’s peculiar habits, then them following you to the washroom would always be among the top five! While you may give up and make your peace with this habit, it still may make you wonder why your dog would not want to not leave you alone in a room even for a few minutes. However, most dogs don’t do it to breach your privacy. It is mostly to make sure you are protected and safe at all times. Isn’t that sweet? In this article, we have mentioned a few reasons why dogs feel it’s necessary to accompany you even when you need to use the washroom, and how to make sure they don’t feel lonely and sad when you set boundaries for them. Read on!

1. Dogs Live In Packs

Dogs Live In Packs
Image: Shutterstock

Dogs are social animals that thrive in packs. Now, since they consider you as their own, sudden separation from you can trigger feelings of unhappiness or vulnerability in them. They naturally seek constant interaction with you, sharing activities such as meals, playtime, and rest. Thus, when you seek a moment of solitude, dogs may not understand it. From their perspective, they believe they are providing you a valuable service by offering companionship, considering it their duty to be by your side all the time.

2. Your Dog May Have FOMO

Your Dog May Have FOMO
Image: Shutterstock

Most pets regard your home as their own territory. This gives them a sense of curiosity and a desire to be included in whatever is happening around them. For many dogs, their daily lives can be quite uneventful, leading to bouts of boredom as they await your return. Any unusual activity in their surroundings, including you going to the washroom alone, piques their interest and provides a welcome break from their routine.

3. They Want To Protect You All The Time

They Want To Protect You All The Time
Image: Shutterstock

Most dogs, irrespective of their size, have a protective instinct. This makes them believe that their owners require their assistance at all times. So when they hear unfamiliar noises from behind a closed door and are unable to assess the situation, they may become concerned about their owner’s safety.

4. They Want To Be With You All The Time

They Want To Be With You All The Time
Image: Shutterstock

You have to understand that certain dogs seek more physical contact with their humans than others. When they lean against you, it’s often a signal that they desire closeness, affection, and a sense of security. In such moments, it’s important not to push your dog away. They may simply be expressing a need for your attention, kisses, and hugs.

5. They Know When You Are Sad

They Know When You Are Sad
Image: Shutterstock

Dogs have a remarkable sense of intuition and can feel your emotional state. Whether you’re feeling sad or unwell, they know it! They rely on their keen sense of observation to check your body language, and scent to pick up on these cues. When they sense that something is amiss, they make heartfelt efforts to provide comfort and act as vigilant guardians for you.

How To Make Sure Your Dog Doesn’t Feel Lonely

How To Make Sure Your Dog Doesn't Feel Lonely
Image: Shutterstock

Leaving your dog alone for extended periods can make them feel lonely and anxious. However, there are several ways to make sure your furry friend remains happy and content even when you’re away.

1. Provide Them With Interactive Toys

Invest in interactive toys that dispense treats or make sounds. These toys can engage your dog’s mind and keep them occupied for hours.

2. Create A Comfortable Space

Create a comfortable space for your dog with their bed or blanket. Familiar scents can provide a sense of security for them.

3. Leave The TV On For Them

Some dogs find the noise of a television comforting. The sound can mimic the presence of people in the house.

4. Establish A Consistent Routine

Dogs thrive on routines, so try to maintain a proper schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime, even when you’re not there.

5. Get Them A Pet Sitter

You may consider taking the services of a pet sitter or sending your dog to daycare. They can provide companionship and supervision in your absence.

6. Let Them Socialize

If your dog enjoys the company of other dogs, arrange playdates with a friend or neighbor who has a dog.

7. Get Them Interactive Cameras

Modern technology allows you to keep an eye on your dog and interact with them through specialized pet cameras and apps. So why not invest in them so your dog can see you and not be anxious about your absence.

8. Train Them

Train your dog to cope with your absence through short departures that gradually increase in duration.

Your dog’s habit of following you in the bathroom is nothing but a testament to the strong bonds that you share with them. While it may seem like an invasion of your privacy, dogs often do so out of a sense of loyalty, protectiveness, and a desire to be near you at all times. This behavior speaks for the remarkable connection and attachment that exists between you and your doggo.

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Indrani Karmakar

Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer

Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and...read full bio

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