Why Doors In Public Washrooms Don’t Reach The Floor

Written by , BA Hons Indrani Karmakar BA Hons linkedin_icon Experience: 2.5 years
Last Updated on

Ok, be honest with me. Are you absolutely comfortable with the bottomless doors of a public washroom? Do you also have a phobia that someone will peep in and say hi while you are doing your business?! Fine, that is a bit of an exaggeration, but the lack of privacy does bother us, and one couldn’t help but ask the designer, “What were you even thinking!” We at Stylecraze couldn’t help but look for answers! And guess what, we found them! As bizarre as it sounds, there are several good reasons why public stalls have a massive space between the door and the floor. Here we made a list so the next time you have to use a public washroom, you know it’s for the best!

Cleaning Becomes Tons Easier

Cleaning Becomes Tons Easier
Image: Shutterstock

You must have noticed that a janitor mops the floor of a public washroom almost all the time. This is because hundreds of people use them every day, and it gets filthy much faster than the ones we use at home. Having a space between the stall door and floor helps keep the stalls spotless without dirt accumulating near the doors.
The next time you use a public restroom and you see a person cleaning it, be sure to thank them for keeping the place squeaky clean!

You Can See If Someone Needs Help

You Can See If Someone Needs Help
Image: Shutterstock

All kinds of people use public washrooms, including those who have health problems. If a person using the stall collapses or experiences any kind of medical emergency, you can easily pull the person out without wasting any time.

It Keeps People From Doing Things They Are Not Supposed To Do!

It Keeps People From Doing Things They Are Not Supposed To Do!
Image: Shutterstock

Sometimes the idea of being watched keeps people from doing things they are not supposed to do! You will notice that washrooms with door space have absolutely no vandalism, unwanted graffiti, or any funny business that is frowned upon. Using this door design globally has helped maintain the decorum and cleanliness of washrooms!

Installing The Doors Are Much Cheaper

Installing The Doors Are Much Cheaper
Image: Shutterstock

Standard doors at home need to be made concerning the room’s dynamics, which cost a lot. On the other hand, stall doors can be installed anywhere, cutting the cost by almost half. It’s much easier to fit and doesn’t require much maintenance.

It Is Easier To Find Which Ones Are Vacant

It Is Easier To Find Which Ones Are Vacant
Image: Shutterstock

No one likes knocking at doors to check if someone is using the stall. If the washroom doesn’t have an ‘occupied/vacant’ sign, you can simply check if the person’s feet are visible. This way, you can refrain from getting into an uncomfortable conversation and look for empty stalls on your own.

You Can Lend A Helping Hand!

You Can Lend A Helping Hand!
Image: Shutterstock

No, we don’t mean anything other than passing the basic toiletries! If you haven’t been stuck in a washroom without a toilet paper roll, consider yourself lucky! With these doors, a person can save themselves from the embarrassment of walking out to get the toilet paper! All you have to do is check with the person in the adjacent stall and ask them to pass the tissue roll!

It’s Not An Issue If You Lock Yourself Inside!

It's Not An Issue If You Lock Yourself Inside!
Image: Shutterstock

Kids often lock themselves inside washrooms accidentally and have parents panic over it. All thanks to these doors, that is no more a problem. Kids are of the ideal height to just crawl under the door and be free. Even for adults, if your door jams while you are inside, simply check if the stall beside yours is vacant, climb over, and walk out like a boss! (Sassy music playing in the background!)

It Gets Rid Of The Pungent Smell

It Gets Rid Of The Pungent Smell
Image: Shutterstock

Public washrooms have a reputation for being stinky. But the last time you used one at the mall, didn’t it smell like roses and jasmine? A part of the credit goes to the short doors of the stalls. The smell doesn’t just stay in the enclosed cubicle but gets distributed and diffused.

People Take Lesser Time Inside The Stalls

People Take Lesser Time Inside The Stalls
Image: Shutterstock

When you can see footsteps walking about and waiting for your stall, it is challenging to daydream inside. The stalls with shortened doors make sure people do not stay inside a minute more than absolutely necessary! It works for your benefit when all the stalls are busy, and you desperately need to use the washroom!

If A Pipe Breaks, The Water Won’t Accumulate

If A Pipe Breaks, The Water Won't Accumulate
Image: Shutterstock

There are several cases where a pipe bursts, and the accumulated water turns the washroom into a pool. People are mostly dressed well in a public washroom, and no one would want to splash about in that filthy water! Having short doors will keep the water flowing out evenly till the pipe is fixed.

So now you know why the designers came up with the mastermind plan of keeping a huge space between the door and the floor! Nevertheless, it feels weird to be in the washroom where there is a hazard of a kid crawling in! What is your funny public washroom story? Let us know in the comments below. Have a nice day!


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Indrani Karmakar
Indrani KarmakarSenior Social Writer
Indrani is a writer and artist who likes to add a dash of humor to everything she does. She has two years of experience in writing articles across beauty, health, and lifestyle genres. After graduating in Political Science from Calcutta University, she took a detour into the world of creativity and discovered her knack for social writing, advertising, designing, and doodling.

Read full bio of Indrani Karmakar