7 Reasons Why Cold Showers Should Be A Part Of Your Routine

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

Cold showers are an acquired taste for most people. Most people prefer hot showers to having cold showers because of the heat and other benefits that hot showers offer. However, cold water can be equally beneficial to your routine. But did you know that cold showers can not only be beneficial for your body but to your skin as well? Taking a bath with cold water can reap many benefits, and we’re here to give you seven good reasons why you need to start having cold showers today:

1. It Can Give Your Skin A Natural Glow

Can Give Your Skin A Natural Glow
Image: Shutterstock

Cold water improves the circulation of blood in your body. As blood circulation is one of the most important functions in your body, showering with cold water will lead to your skin looking healthy and fresh due to increased blood flow to your face. However, this does not mean that you dunk yourself in ice-cold water and expect your skin to glow. Even mildly lukewarm water is more than enough to pump up the blood flow in your system (1).

2. It Helps Slow Down The Aging Process

Helps Slow Down The Aging Process
Image: Shutterstock

As stated earlier, cold water helps increase the flow of blood in your body. Cold water can also activate your body’s nervous system which helps your body fight off stress and makes it release hormones that will help lower your stress levels. Lower stress levels can be beneficial for your system and also help slow down the aging process. Studies have shown that stress has a major effect on aging and can age you a lot faster (2).

3. It Can Help With Symptoms Of Depression

Can Help With Symptoms Of Depression
Image: Shutterstock

If you’re suffering from the sometimes debilitating mental health condition that is depression, you probably know exactly why and how your “happy hormones”— endorphins and serotonin are important for the functioning of your mind as well as your body. Exposure to cold water can activate your sympathetic nervous system which will increase the level of endorphins in your body. This will automatically cause your stress levels to go down and prove beneficial to your skin. Less stress would mean fewer bad skin days (3).

4. It Can Temporarily Shrink Your Pores

Can Temporarily Shrink Your Pores
Image: Shutterstock

One beauty trick that many women swear by is washing your face with cold water before proceeding with your regular toning and moisturizing routine. If you’re someone who has large pores and suffers from super oily skin and bouts of acne due to it, try taking cold showers instead of hot ones. Hot showers are great for opening your pores to help clean out impurities, but they can also cause your pores to stay open and collect impurities along with other materials. Cold water can also give your face some vitality and enhance the brightness of your skin.

5. It Can Help Relieve A Sunburn

Can Help Relieve A Sunburn
Image: Shutterstock

There’s a reason why your parents tell you to immediately put your hand underwater if you’ve burnt your skin. While hot showers tend to cause inflammation or make your skin feel more sensitive, cold water can help relieve a sunburn. Accidentally forgot to take sunscreen on your trip and ended up with a sunburn instead of a sun tan? Well, cold water’s got you covered. It can relieve any pain or sensitivity you may be suffering from. All you have to do is turn on the music and hop into the shower (4).

6. It Can Help Relieve Symptoms Of Psoriasis

Can Help Relieve Symptoms Of Psoriasis
Image: Shutterstock

Psoriasis is a painful, common and chronic skin condition that causes itchiness and sometimes painful lesions on the skin. It is an immunity-related condition and those suffering from it will have “flare-ups” of itchiness and other common issues. Many doctors advise those suffering from psoriasis to avoid too much sun exposure, to wear loose clothing, and to take cold showers when they are suffering from a flare up of the infection. Since hot showers can cause the flare up to get even worse or can trigger even more bouts of itching, it is generally recommended to switch to taking a shower with colder water. In fact, the colder the water, the better for your condition (5).

7. It Aids Weight Loss

Aids Weight Loss
Image: Shutterstock

Cold water can be extremely beneficial to those who are overweight and looking to lose the excess pounds. Taking a cold shower at least two to three times a week can aid in boosting your metabolism and thus helping you lose weight overall. Of course, this doesn’t mean that only cold showers will cause a massive amount of weight loss for you. You will also need to maintain an active lifestyle and cut down on calories if you want to see a legitimate difference in your weight (6).

While cold showers are good for health, you need to take your own body’s ability to process it into account. You can’t expect to have a shower in ice cold water and see a major difference in your body. Do let us know your thoughts on this list in the comment section below.

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