The Ultimate Guide To Eating Seeds: 9 Types Of Seeds That Are Super Beneficial To Your Health

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

You’ve probably heard about how beneficial eating seeds is to one’s health before but did you know that they were genuinely quite nutritious? As seeds contain all the materials required to create an entire plant, you can expect them to contain plenty of vitamins and nutrients that are super beneficial to our bodies. Seeds are extremely easy to consume and are really easy to snack on. They can be easily incorporated into a multitude of recipes and are often quite tasty when flavored with spices and dried out. So let’s take a look at nine types of seeds that you have to incorporate into your diet to avail all of their nutritious benefits:

1. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Sunflower seeds contain a massive dose of fiber, magnesium, copper, selenium, and phytochemicals. Sunflowers also give you a good kick of vitamin E and are thus extremely beneficial for maintaining the health of your skin. You can snack on them at your work desk or add them on top of your salad bowls, into trail mixes, yogurt and even cereals.

2. Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Flax seeds are packed to the brim with nutrients. They are rich in alpha-linolenic acid which is a type of  omega-3 fatty acid. Regular consumption of them is said to improve cardiovascular health and it is super easy to incorporate flax seeds in your regular diet. Flax seeds contain a lot of antioxidants and work towards keeping the body healthy from the inside. They also contain protein, fiber, manganese, omega-3 fats and magnesium among others.

3. Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Like flax seeds, chia seeds are a very good source of fiber and are extremely useful as they contain omega-3 fats as well as many other nutrients. You can easily make use of chia seeds in your daily food and add them to your favorite dishes. You need to sprinkle them whole or ground into your cereal. Definitely give chia pudding dessert a try if you’re looking for natural and healthy snacking options.

4. Watermelon Seeds

Watermelon Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Besides being a great way to cool off during the summers, watermelons contain iron, copper, protein and magnesium. Consuming them regularly can help improve the quality of your hair and make it look less dull and more vibrant. These tiny seeds are definitely something you want to add into your routine and you can consume them plain or turn it into a grounded paste and add it into your mixture.

5. Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Pumpkin seeds are a brilliant source of protein, omega-3s, amino acids, and minerals like magnesium and zinc. Fresh and roasted seeds are often consumed as a delectable treat during Halloween but you can get your hands on these seeds all year long. You can bake them into muffins and cupcakes or sprinkle a dose of them on oatmeal, mix them in milkshakes and smoothies and even use them as a key ingredient in your granola energy bar.

6. Sesame Seeds

Sesame Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Although sesame seeds are almost miniscule when you compare them to many other seeds on this list, they do manage to pack quite the punch. They contain tonnes of fiber and protein and are rich in amino acids methionine and tryptophan. Sesame oil is also a great source to add to salad dressings. Ground sesame seeds are consumed in the form of Tahini and are a popular ingredient in the ever loved Mediterranean hummus dish.

7. Hemp Seeds

Hemp Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Hemp is a popularly used variety of the cannabis sativa plant. The plan has had a controversial history in India and despite slowly being decriminalized in western and many other countries, our own is yet to do so. Hemp seeds however, are legal, easy to acquire and a great source of nutrients. They have a very mild nutty flavor and can be eaten with salads, yogurt or even on their own. Hemp milk is also said to be extremely beneficial for health.

8. Pomegranate Seeds

Pomegranate Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Pomegranate seeds are often referred to as jewels for their incredible powers as a seed. They are called arils and are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and healthy antioxidants like anthocyanins, flavonoids and tannins. You can mix them with jelly, toss them into salads and mix the seeds in yogurt as well.

9. Poppy Seeds

Poppy Seeds
Image: Shutterstock

Poppy seeds are rich in nutrients like calcium, phosphorus and iron. These are super essential for maintaining good bone health and building a strong bone structure. Poppy seeds are also a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and oleic acid. You can add poppy seeds in your muffins, vegetables, and salad dressings and on pancakes.

In the end, adding seeds into your diet is a healthy way to keep your daytime snacking in check. You need to also ensure you don’t go overboard and consume more than the recommended amount of seeds. Do let us know if you already eat any of these seeds or if you’re looking to add it into your diet in the comment section below.

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