Woman Replaces 40 Medications with Raw Cannabis Juice

Written by StyleCraze • 

Cannabis, a flowering herb, is more popularly known as marijuana and is currently trending on the news lines as an effective substitute for 40 medications. Avoid the frown on your brows – raw cannabis does not have any psychoactive effects the drug is renowned for. The wife and patient of Dr. William Courtney, founder of Cannabis International and the biggest proponent of raw cannabis juicing, has become a great advocate of the cannabis juice after her testimonial video hit the viral records.

The study conducted by the research team at the Institute of Molecular Psychiatry at the University of Bonn in Germany explains that cannabidiol (CBD) that is present in the raw form of the herb repairs our immune system to a huge extent and thus, reduces the cancer cells. They have also discovered that cannabis activates the brain’s cannabinoid system, facilitating the release of antioxidants that cleanse the damage cells in the process. This increases the efficiency of the mitochondria. Cannabinoids can easily be obtained either by eating the plant or by extracting the oil from it as it contains a high amount of THC (tetrahyrdocannabinol) that is responsible for its therapeutic use.

You think smoking it will give you maximum health benefits? Wait… you are wrong. Inhaling the smoke alters the chemical properties of THC and creates oxidation in the body. Instead of being therapeutic, it will cause adverse effects. Hence, antioxidants are the key to good health.

The stigma that cannabis can only be a psychoactive drug and nothing more is now revealed to be a fabrication of global pharmaceutical giants because the use of this plant in a positive way can seriously affect many industries worldwide. It is a fact that more than 1,000,000 people die each year – all credits to slow killer medicines prescribed by doctors. A regular intake of cannabis juice helps you fight more than 60 chronic ailments without any negative effects. Also, more than 50,000 health benefits are accredited to cannabis juice along with the hemp.

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