9 Incredible Health Benefits Of Consuming Karela Juice

Written by , BA (Media & Communication) Niharika Nayak BA (Media & Communication) Experience: 4 years

If you shudder every time you hear the words karela or bitter gourd, don’t be alarmed. Many of us hate the bitter-tasting fruit (yes, fruit not vegetable). However, this fruit has more benefits than one can give it credit for. While most of us were too busy balking at the sight of it, we didn’t realize the variety of benefits that this fruit offers. Karela juice contains a wonderful Noah’s ark load of nutrients like vitamin C, iron, potassium, and even magnesium. They are also an extremely wonderful source of fiber. Even if you aren’t one to enjoy drinking “green juices”, you can try adding jaggery and honey to sweeten the ordeal (we’re just joking). Here are some wonderful and incredible benefits to the family:

1. Lowers Bad Cholesterol

Lowers Bad Cholesterol
Image: Shutterstock

Bitter gourd juice can act as an anti-inflammatory food for your body and works wonderfully as a way of controlling the cholesterol levels. This is therefore useful when it comes to dealing with issues like obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes. The juice which is rich in potassium helps absorb excessive sodium in the body. It is also rich in folic acid and iron and hence is known for decreasing the risk of suffering from a stroke and keeps your heart healthy (1).

2. Helps Cleanse The Liver

Helps Cleanse The Liver
Image: Shutterstock

Bitter gourd juice can be useful to those suffering from type 2 diabetes. It can be combined with khol khol to create a super juice of sorts. Bitter gourd juice can help control the blood sugar levels, thus making it a great juice for those who are diabetic. Even if you aren’t diabetic, it’s always beneficial to consume the juice for betterment of your health and nutrition intake(2).

3. Works As A Hangover Detoxifier

Works As A Hangover Detoxifier
Image: Shutterstock

Coffee might always be your favorite hangover drink. However, due to its detoxifying properties you can use karela juice as a great detox drink after a drunken Friday night. If the mere thought of this makes you cringe, we don’t blame you. However, there are numerous interesting and nutritious ways to consume the fruit without enduring the taste for too long. You can consume karela leaves in the form of tea as well. Boil the leaves in water as you would while making your regular tea, add honey to cover up the taste of the brew and gulp it down once it is lukewarm. Yes, even the leaves of this incredible fruit are beneficial to your health (3).

4. Aids In Weight Loss

Aids In Weight Loss
Image: Shutterstock

Bitter gourd is super healthy and low in fat, calories, and carbohydrates, making them an excellent aid in losing weight. Karela is pretty dense and can keep you full for longer periods of time as well, making them an ideal snack for someone who is trying to diet. Many believe that karela juice can be seen as a natural way for us to fight off obesity (4).

5. Keeps Your Immune System In Check

Keeps Your Immune System In Check
Image: Shutterstock

Bitter gourd is pretty great for fighting off any bacteria or virus and strengthening the immune system of the body. It also helps prevent indigestion and allergies that may be occuring and disrupting your immunity. The antioxidants present in bitter gourd are brilliant for your immune system and also help get rid of free radicals that cause damage (5).

6. Beneficial For Your Eyes

Beneficial For Your Eyes
Image: Shutterstock

Bitter gourd juice is also great at preventing vision-related problems like cataract as it is enriched in compounds like vitamin A and beta-carotene that are extremely beneficial for one’s visual health. Many people also use this as a home remedy to treat dark circles under their eyes (6).

7. Makes Your Skin Glow

Makes Your Skin Glow
Image: Shutterstock

Karela juice is brilliant for making your skin glow and since it is enriched with antioxidants like most green juices, it can make your skin absolutely fabulous. If you’re someone who wants their skin to have that healthy sheen, you should definitely add some karela juice to your diet. So scrunch up your nose and prepare for a chug!

8. Keeps Your Tresses Thick

Keeps Your Tresses Thick
Image: Shutterstock

Every girl dreams of those delightful bouncy tresses that are so commonly advertised on television and mobile screens. However, achieving those thick and magical tresses is quite the task and many will swear on numerous natural remedies and oiling your hair. However, you need to feed your hair from the inside as well. You can apply bitter gourd juice directly to your scalp as a mask and drink it in the form of juice to achieve double the benefits.

9. Helps In Controlling Blood Sugar Levels

Helps In Controlling Blood Sugar Levels
Image: Shutterstock

Consuming bitter gourd juice daily can help with the management of conditions like diabetes. Bitter gourd contains a compound called polypeptide-p or p-insulin which is said to be a natural ingredient in helping fight diabetes. There is numerous scientific evidence stating that bitter gourd improves glycemic control and increases the uptake of glucose. However, it is always advised to consult with a specialist or doctor before you start a diet that includes karela juice (7).

At the end of the day, trying to stay fit and in good health might not be the tastiest affair, but the nutritional and health benefits of karela are far too many to ignore. Do tell us which of the points on this list surprised you the most in the comment section below.

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