5 Best Workouts To Do On The Beach

Written by Anjala Farahath • 

Imagine a summer day spent listening to the soothing sound of waves, drawing in the balmy breeze, inhaling the smell of the ocean, and soaking in the bright sun. Let’s level up the imagination a little, how about you burn a whole lot of calories? Run like the Baywatch guards or greet the sun with a whole lot of suryanamaskaras, it’s your pick. Working out by the beach can do more than just giving you a good tan and beachy tresses. Beach workouts not only boost your mood but also gives you the right kind of burn— the kind where you burn calories (1).

The shores are sure to spoil you with a whole lot of energy. The sunshine vitamin (aka. vitamin D) is the only vitamin that the body produces when the sun shines brightly on us. Although this vitamin is highly underrated, it is extremely essential for the body (2). Taking your workouts to the beach not only gives it a different spin (and makes you a really cool person), but it also gives you the benefit of natural elements like sand and water. You ask us how exactly? Well, read on!

The Benefit Of Sun And Sand

When you walk on sand, you are not only trying to dust the sand off your feet, but you’re also engaging your muscles. The hamstrings, the calves, the glutes, and quads (basically your lower body) are at work. The extra effort that you’re making to get past the sand elevates your heartbeat and burns calories. Additionally, the sand reduces the impact of workouts on your joints. Have you ever experienced knee pain or lower back pain after a tough day at the gym (3)? You can avoid that by working out at the beach.

The star of the moment, the sun, is packed with health benefits when exposed to in the right amounts. A good amount of sunlight can do wonders for your body (4). Exercising in natural environments keeps your mind and body fresh and induces positive vibes.

On the other hand, the resistance of water aids with some challenging muscle work for the body. You have to surpass the power of the water to move those muscles. That’s why swimming is known to burn more calories than running (5). So it’s a win-win, right? You are engaging in a calorie-blaster workout and also keeping yourself cool while at it.

Well, now that you know the benefits of the sun and sand on your body, let’s dive into some simple exercises you can pull off by the beach.

1. Sun, Sand, And Squat

Sun, Sand, And Squat
Image: Giphy

Squatting is easy. All you need to do is stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your body, mimicking a sitting position. Remember not to hunch your back, and never let the position of the knees cross the position of the toes. Push your hips back as much as you can and reach to the ground (well, you can call it a partial twerk). Repeat this 15 times to complete one set. The end result? Your thighs and butt are shaping up (6)!

2. Lunge Your Way Through The Sand

Lunge Your Way Through The Sand
Image: Giphy

Lunges target the muscles of the leg and build up your endurance and speed. There are a variety of lunges that you can choose from. If you’re a beginner, go for the basic version of lunges. Start with a standing position, with upper body straight, chin up, and relaxed shoulders. Step forward with one leg, making a 90-degree angle while the other leg forms your base. Ensure that the knee is directly above the ankle. Now repeat the same on the other leg. If you’re a pro at workouts, try the same with a little twist. Jump into your lunges, but be careful while you land on your feet.

3. Mountain Climbers To The Rescue

Mountain Climbers To The Rescue
Image: Giphy

Ever dreamt of climbing mountains? Do it while at a beach. Nah, we’re not crazy. We’re just not lazy. Mountain climbers are the perfect workout for your core muscles. Get in a pushup position with your hands right under your shoulders. Now, the goal is to bend your leg and bring it towards your chest. So, alternatively, bend your right and left knee and inch towards your chest. Do this very quickly so that it escalates your heart rate.

4. Push Yourself To Do Some Pushups

Push Yourself To Do Some Pushups
Image: Giphy

Pushups look like no big deal, but when you get down to your knees, you’ll know. So, start simple and lie down on your stomach. Get into a position keeping your hands on the sides of your chest, just below the shoulder. Make sure your body doesn’t touch the floor but is close to it. Your lower body should be in no contact with the floor, except for the toes. Raise yourself with the help of your arm strength. Go back face-down, and that’s one rep.

5. V-Ups All The Way

V-Ups All The Way
Image: Giphy

These are great for your abdomen and quite easy to do. Lie on your back and face the sky. Look at the sun. Now lift your hands and legs simultaneously as though you are touching your toes. The only part of your body that stays on the ground while you reach for your toes should be your buttocks. Keep doing this for 45 seconds.

There you have it – 5 beach workouts to have you bikini-body-ready in no time. So, heed the call of the outdoors, and give your monotonous sweat sessions a revitalizing twist with these by-the-shore, fat-busting moves. A basic workout of 45 seconds each is all you need to get those calories burning!

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