You Need To Eat This If You Have Hair Loss, Brittle Nails Or Insomnia

Written by Chandrama Deshmukh • 

We all have our own conceptions of what is healthy and what is not, which have been passed down to us through the ages. Ayurveda defines health as the perfect balance between the mind, body, and soul. How we treat our bodies and perceive our surroundings have an impact on our health and well-being. It is essential to understand the cause of the ailment and then tackle it. What you eat affects the body greatly. This article addresses the common problem of hair loss, brittle nails, and improper sleep, which can be controlled by adding certain regimens.

Hair Loss

Hair Loss
Image: Shutterstock

When faced with hair loss issues, both men and women want to know the cause so that they can know the way to combat it. The main causes of hair loss include a massive fluctuation in hormones (such as during menopause or as seen in PCOS) or, on the other hand, it could also be due to genetic reasons (1). The hormone that is closely related to hair loss is ‘cortisol,’ which is produced by the adrenal gland. Cortisol is excreted in response to stressful situations and actually helps to turn sugar and fat into energy as a response to stress (2).

Research shows that excess stress for an extended period of time leads to high levels of cortisol, which can lead to more harm than good in the long run. This is because while our adrenal glands are producing cortisol, they end up producing less of other hormones that are essential for healthy hair growth.

Brittle Nails

Brittle Nails
Image: Shutterstock

Brittle nails are characterized by nails that break easily. Either the nails split vertically or they can be peeled at the corners. Though there are several environmental causes as well, brittle nails are predominantly caused due to hormonal imbalances. It is most prevalent in women who are reaching menopause, which causes a lower secretion of oestrogen in the body.

An oestrogen imbalance can also occur in a woman’s body during times of excessive stress. Hence, it’s important to keep away from stress triggers and partake in stress-busting exercises such as yoga or journal writing.

Insomnia (Not Sleeping Well)

Insomnia (Not Sleeping Well)
Image: Shutterstock

When it comes to sleep problems, there is one question that doctors never fail to ask, “Are you unable to fall asleep or are you unable to stay asleep?”

The most common cause of sleep problems is mild to moderate hypoglycaemia (read: low blood sugar). It is important to maintain stable blood sugar levels through the intake of correct food. In hypoglycaemia, the body does not have the right amount of glycogens, and at night, it starts consuming its own muscle through the process of ‘glycosis.’ This cycle results in tiring out the adrenal glands.

Consequently, the adrenal glands diminish the production of cortisol and run exclusively on another hormone, ‘epinephrine’ (aka. adrenaline). When the adrenaline builds up in the body, our appetite gets suppressed. To cure this, the cycle needs to be broken and more protein needs to be added to our daily meals.

What Is The Root Cause?

The biological evidence that seems to be a common thread in all three problems points towards the adrenal gland. The adrenal glands are located above each kidney and secrete various hormones that are responsible for numerous functions in the human body. An imbalance in the hormone secretion by the glands can be a cause of various health problems.

You can prevent your hair loss, tackle those brittle nails, and sleep comfortably with this easy natural remedy that involves the use of Brazilian walnuts!

What Is The Root Cause
Image: Shutterstock
  • Pure, natural honey x 2-4 tbsp.
  • Dried parsley leaves x 3-4 tbsp.
  • Ground ginger x 1 tbsp.
  • Brazilian walnuts x 2-4.
  • Raisins x ½ a cup.

First, add the Brazilian nuts and parsley into the mixer and blend. Then add in the rest of the ingredients and blend until they are evenly distributed. Store in a clean and dry glass container. Keep away from sunlight.

To get the best results, consume 2 tablespoons of this organic recipe on an empty stomach. By taking this remedy two to three times in a week, you can boost the overall functioning of the endocrine system, predominantly the adrenaline gland.

While the above method helps in boosting adrenal function, one can also resort to other natural remedies to combat the three problems separately. Hibiscus flowers and leaves, along with onion juice and black castor oil, can help reduce hair fall. Brittle nails can be strengthened by taking iron and calcium supplements. Exercise and eating at the right time can help reduce sleep-related problems. You should not neglect these symptoms as it can be symptoms to other processes that are internally taking place in the body. Simple remedies can cure these problems more naturally and in a healthy way. All it requires is a little bit of willpower and patience!

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