Choose An Item And Find Out What Is Hidden Deep Inside You

Written by Shivani K • 

We, humans, are intensely affected by the environment we live in. What affects our surrounding leaves an adverse effect on us, or let’s say it this way—it leaves an impression on our brain. An impression that we ourselves aren’t aware of. We call it an unconscious part of us — an unconscious brain. This unconscious mind of ours has an enormous power — it’s like a reservoir of mysteries, it relates vague memories from the brain to the objects around us (1). That’s exactly why at times we feel that we have faced or come across a particular situation beforehand. It gives us a feeling as though we knew the event was going to happen. The objects we choose around us also determine our emotional state of mind.

Below, we have curated a basic psychological test that will help to analyze your emotional state of mind. Imagine yourself in the basement of a house, as pictured below. You can find a lot of items there. Which of these caught your attention first? Which one do you want to remove from the frame? Choose one of the items from the given picture and see for yourself what the results are!

1. Swing

The object swing stands for everything to do with sensuality or desires. It indicates that you have a certain addiction or some obsession in life.

2. A Doll

This is easy to interpret. A doll symbolizes one’s childhood. You choosing it relates to the fact that you are still a child at heart and refuse to grow up!

3. An Open Can Of Paint

The color here stands for your vivid emotions. The open can is you trying to express those emotions.

4. A Closed Can Of Paint

This points to the obvious opposite of the above object. A closed can represents all things negative — aggression, anxiety, and the insecurities that you have deceitfully hidden within yourself.

5. Bicycle

Isn’t riding a bicycle all about balancing? Here, it speaks about our inner balance and our thirst to go on new, unexplored adventures in life.

6. An Apple Basket

The basket here is like a collection. This collection is of your knowledge, wisdom, happiness, and everything that you have learned from life.

7. Nails

A nail seems to be very negative in nature. It represents violence, which is present in you for yourself, as well as for those around you. This shows your emotional state is very disturbed.

8. Helmet

This object stands for protection and courage, both of which represent a warrior’s spirit. At the same time, it also symbolizes one’s inability to make stable decisions in life.

9. Books

We all know that books provide wisdom to its reader. But the only difference here is that being found in the basement, these books talk about you being lost in life, or trying to find the purpose of your life.

10. Hammer

Just like the nails, a hammer too symbolizes violence. It points out to achieving something by force. It can also be referred to as one’s inner conflict.

11. Masks

We all know we wear masks. Either to try to become someone else or to try to be ourselves. Here, the mask can stand for both positive and negative.

12. Painting

The painting is depicting your thoughts into an art form. And to be able to do this, you need a stable mind and some clarity about what you want to paint.

13. A Wheel

A wheel comes to use only if it’s aligned with something, probably an alignment between the people and their environment. It also talks about how we want to run in circles all our life, refusing to change.

14. Sausages

It might come as a surprise that choosing this will have a connection to one’s physical health. A person hiding health issues chooses this.

15. Grating

Only a depressed person’s eye will catch this object. It shows that you are very lonely and suffer from anxiety.

16. Ladder

We always make use of a ladder to climb success, right? And the broken steps you notice here are the various obstacles we come across in our climb of life.

17. Boxes

It speaks of your personality traits. A container where you are hiding things from the environment and the people around you.

18. Broom

It may sound hilarious, but psychology says that a broom points to your intimate desires towards the person you love.

19. A Broken Chair

Choosing this object points out that you are very stressed out in life. You feel worn out and want to take a break from all the chaos and just rest away.

20. Broken Mirror

A mirror symbolizes us self-analyzing ourselves. The broken mirror refers to how torn apart one has become in one’s struggle through life.

21. Tongs

If you are being forced to do something in your life, then you’re bound to opt for this object. It symbolizes suppression.

We hope this simple test helped in analyzing your frame of mind. If the result is negative, work it into a positive. If you aren’t sure about how to go about this, confide in friends and family or seek professional help.
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